Thursday 5 January 2012

Using social media to tell your side of the story

Watching reruns of Landline in the holidays, thought this was perfect for a case study in INF506, but alas had already chosen Egypt and its revolution through social media.
Episode intro "One of the telling lessons of the live export controversy was just how effectively opponents of the trade used social media to whip up support for their campaign. By comparison, the beef industry was caught flat-footed trying to counter-punch from remote and regional areas using traditional print and broadcast media. Former NFF boss David Crombie believes the loss of trust and damage to the industry's social contract with consumers is so serious that agriculture's reputation is on the line. In the US, farmers are battling much the same issues, but increasingly, they're returning fire by using the same social media platforms to counter anti-farming campaigns".
Here is the link if you are intrested so you can check out American farmers teaching Aussie farmers how to have their say and be heard using free social media. And yes I am biased I grew up on a farm.

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