Effective Teacher Librarian

   The Master of Education, Teacher Librarianship has enabled me to increase my understanding and abilities as a Teacher Librarian. The Australian School Library Association (ASLA) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) (2004) standard of professional excellence for teacher librarians is a statement that describes the best practice for Teacher Librarians. Through these standards I can see where I have become an effective teacher librarian and where I still need improvement. 

1. Professional Knowledge
   As a Teacher Librarian I have a deep understanding of the ideals of lifelong learning. Through the course and professional development from my employment I have come to understand and be well informed of information literacy theories and practices such as the PLUS model and Guided Inquiry, and use these models in my teaching. From the course I understand that as part of the position of a TL is to and participate in. Through wide reading classes, new technologies, library events and research classes, I encourage and give students the necessary skills to pursue lifelong learning.
    Part of the course was to create a collection development policy which looks at collecting and maintaining resources for the library patrons. It requires making collection decisions based on the needs and wants of the patrons, to evaluate was is appropriate for the students and staff including all their differences.
    I have an understanding of the schools curriculum as it is important to the collection development, information literacy skills implemented in programs, and using curriculum outcomes to promote a love of reading. The TL is to have a specialised knowledge of library management. The library uses Spydus software were I perform cataloguing and acquisition. 
  I would need to continue my own professional knowledge to keep up with technology changes and its uses in teaching and learning. I like to continue to be part of Teacher Librarian professional seminars were TLs share their efforts with new technologies and success with innovated ways of teaching information literacy and a love of reading to students.

2. Professional Practice
    I try to create a positive learning environment using engaging resources such as ipads and ebooks. I also develop a collection that takes into account the curriculum and users wants, needs and interests to supply them with resources that will interest, challenge them and therefore improve and increase their learning.
    I collaborate with some class room teachers but it depends on the heads of department and their understanding of the benefits of the Teacher Librarian. To improve the cooperation of teaching staff I have participated in school committees and promote information literacy skills through in-house professional development having demonstrated the use of Guided Inquiry.
    I provide an exemplary reference and information service to students and staff through my education and work experience. I am confident in my management practices and systems having the responsibility of cataloging and acquisition with the school system Spydus.
    As well as completing the masters course I am also completing the New Scheme Teachers portfolio which requires me to monitor my teaching practices to ensure student progress and evidence of learning as well as evidence of my own improved learning and teaching practices. I have used survey monkey to survey students and staff on their knowledge of information literacy skills and on the resources and provided by the library. 

3. Professional Commitment
    I believe lifelong learning is not just for students but the whole school community. I believe I must engage the school community on evidence-based innovation educational programs and create opportunities for staff development on library programs. The TL achieves this through wide reading, research lessons and displays and promotions for students to encourage the skills and joy of lifelong learning. It is essential for TLs to keep evidence of their educational achievements and to be activity engaged in professional development. I have had to opportunity to go AIS, Syba Signs, State Library and inter house professional development seminars. Opportunities which have allowed me to extend my knowledge on my profession. The library during the in-house professional learning played a significant role in promoting library programs such as Guided Inquiry.
    I have participated in some school committees but believe that I need to push myself to become more of a leadership figure at the school. I do actively share my professional knowledge with library staff and teaching staff through meetings and in-house professional development. I am a subscriber of OZTLnet to participate in a professional community.
    My library does a great deal to promote the profession of teacher librarianship in the school. Taking opportunities to be part of the curriculum programs and innovate school educational programs. The library staff and I go to great lengths to foster a reading culture with a reading challenge, literature circles and book clubs. I organise ‘book bites’ which is a lunch time gathering of students and teachers reviewing and promoting new books. The school and the library encourages professional development and I take every opportunity to continually participate in increasing my education.

Australian School Library Association and Australian Library and Information Association (2004) Standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians. ASLA & ALIA. http://www.alia.org.au/policies/TLstandards.pdf

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