Thursday 26 January 2012


RSS feeds are about sharing and delivering information. RSS feeds inform of new updates from websites.  A fantastic tool for the library to use to as a service for its users.

Sites of interest to me that use RSS.
·         ALIA . "The Australian Library and Information Association [ALIA] is the professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector. It seeks to empower the profession in the development, promotion and delivery of quality library and information services to the nation, through leadership, advocacy and mutual support". I would be interested in receiving media releases from ALIA as a professional tool.
·         Bright Ideas . A blog "by the School Libraries Association of Victoria (SLAV) and the State Library of Victoria (SLV). Its aim is to encourage teacher librarians and educators to actively engage with ICT, to share tools and experiences, to network on a global scale, and to embrace dynamic teaching and learning opportunities". I enjoy this blog as it has some interesting ideas that I can learn from and implement in my teaching as a teacher librarian.

RSS feeds that could be implemented in my school library.
·         New fiction books. A RSS feed for Students and Staff
·         New non-fiction books. For students and staff. Staff can be done by subject area for the different departments
·         Library news and events updated on the library website
·         News of interest from blogs, articles, websites, etc., concerning library, literacy, education, media releases, technology. 

The RSS feeds from the library can enhance the information needs of the students and staff by updating staff and students on new resources and library news. The RSS feeds can inform staff on resources for their department and resources for professional development. Students can find out the new fiction and events in the library. The school library could have RSS feeds that will be areas of interest to library users that would link them to information that would be of benefit to them.

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