Sunday 20 March 2011

Teacher Librarian Role

Teacher Librarian Role Statement
My school’s Teacher Librarian role statement and that of ASLA are very similar. I think most TL documents are very professional and base their own school role statements on those produced by industry standards. Perhaps my school’s TL role statement does not go in-depth about professional knowledge as the ASLA document, but stresses an emphasis on professional practice and professional commitment.

I agree with the roles Purcell has identified and how she has defined those roles, but I disagree with the order she has placed them. I think a TL is a teacher and information specialist before they are a leader and instructional partner. Perhaps I am taking a traditional view of TLs, but I think teaching and information specialist are still the essential skills and responsibilities of a TL. Leadership and instructional partner is a role when the TL has time to promote the library, and when others are available to listen. Administration is always left to last. If the school can afford it they need to hire library staff or turn to volunteer support.

Lamb and Johnson
I don’t think Lamb and Johnson defined the roles of technologist, teacher leader and collaborator. As I read it seemed that the roles overlapped especially the technologist and the teacher leader who are both implement and promoting technology. At my school we have a teacher whose position is to look into ICT for the classroom teacher. Does this mean or technologist role is being gazumped? We are no longer the go to for technology needs for the classroom. However we still have the position for technologist when it comes to the latest technology for finding, using and analysing information, as Lamb and Johnson state TLs “can work with teachers to locate and recommend appropriate assistive technology and specialised resources… to meet specific needs.”. That is still our speciality. It does not mean that we stop investigating technology for ourselves, as we can’t help ourselves. Also we are still asked to be the first to implement new technology strategies because they know we will it a go. I agree with Lamb and Johnson on the roles TLs have, but it is with the expectation that teachers will cooperate and have the time to listen to you, and that you have the admin staff to help.
I do agree with the chapters defining roles of a TL and it’s in depth look at all the roles of a TL including the admin side.
Herring states that technologies are changing the role of TLs, but that new role is not being communicated to the rest of the school and the school community which I believe is very true. I am still asked do I just read books all day.
I also agree that information literacy is still important as the facets still apply, locating, selecting, organising, creating and evaluation, no matter what technology is used.
Also I noticed Herring mentions collection development as still an important role, as Purcell, Lamb and Johnson did not get it much emphasis. Herring also looks at not just teaching technology tools, but having them within the library as normality, common place and common practice for TLs and library staff, such as the library website as it is the “second front door” to the library. An emphasis on managing these new technologies.
Herring does not mention as much as the others do about selling ourselves to the school and its community.

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for your posts, they are very insightful and informative. I look forward to reading more.
