Tuesday 15 March 2011

Don't forget the library

Just read Donham article 'Leadership'. Why are we now called Library Media Specialist. Keep changing the name so we fit in to the new digital world, 'Now see here, we are still relevant'. I enjoyed Donham's chapter as it nicely talked up TL's, and I thought 'yes I am in this fantastic important profession'. Working as a TL in a high school I agree with Donham when he states that the school and teachers are not always going to cooperate with you. That we, the TLs must instead find alternatives or compromise with teachers so then we can wow them with our fabulous knowledge and professionalism. Sweep them off their feet as we show them the opportunities available to them and the students.

"Each library media specialist has special strengths in some areas of expertise". From my experience in the library I beleive this satement to be true. The TLs all have different interests and skills. You do start to know who is good at what and asking for their assistance in their special strength and vise versa. This passion that allows you to become an expert comes across to the student and teachers. Your enthusiam can rub-off onto the students and inspire them and encourage them within the field of your expertise.

Donham advises that a clear vision, can not only improve the running of the library, but to earn the professional confidence of colleagues. I sometimes think that is what my library lacks, a clear vision. I think the rest of the school does not see the library and its resources as we do. Our vision of the library is not shared with the rest of the school.

"Library media specialists... are always looking for learning opportunities". The TLs I know including myself always want to be ahead of the classroom teacher, we have a desire to learn, expand and implement our knowledge.
Donham looks at how the library is viewed by the school, and I do believe that the school does see the library and its staff as specialist is what they think are normal library things, but fail to comprehend the diverse and extended skills and knowledge we have to offer.

Donham encourages library media staff to get out there in the school, be part of the work teams that are available. Be seen and be heard. Be the dogs body. I know at my school some staff see the library as old fashion as all the kids need now is the internet. It is sad that we have to keep defending ourselves against those who are educators. Why don't they see the value in a library? Is that our failing? Do we have to do as Donham suggests suck up to the school so they remember we exist. I think volunteering for things that interest you at the school is ok but I think we should focus more on pushing collaborative teacher. Find out what the other departments are doing as say 'hey we can help you their, look at our really cool ideas'. And of course involve the students. We do a great deal of promotion in the library, jumping on those popular fiction bandwagons, drawing them into the library. And if they come once, they usually come again.

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