Monday 30 May 2011

Syba Signs conference on the 21st century library – getting into action

Quick summary
Ross Todd
A new idea of ‘Transliteracy’, being able to read, write and interact across the spectrum of digital literacy.
I liked Todd’s ideas of a ‘learning commons’, creating spaces that allow for students to think, discover, experiment and create. Turning information into knowledge.  If only our library had the physical flexibility. Todd also looked at the core capabilities that can be developed using these ‘learning commons’, such as resource-based capabilities, thinking capabilities, personal and interpersonal capabilities.
The need for evidence-based practice, especially with what is happening in the US. Also from the national inquiry into TLs in Australia, they had no supporting evidence to give the government of our importance in student education.  A case study was presented by Alinda Sheerman from Broughton Anglican College. It will be in the next Scan issue.
Lyn Hay
Brand, the iCentre, the blending of IT, Curriculum and Library. The hub of the school to share, innovate and create collaboratively. Also the only port of call for students with their information and technology needs.
Syba Signs page with the power points from the presenters
Link to the inquiry document from the federal government.

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