Sunday 15 May 2011

Information Literacy

I really like George Lorenzo's (Catalysts for change: information fluency, web 2.0, library 2.0, and the new education culture, 2007) term of 'information fluency' which is made up of information technology skills, information literacy skills, and critical thinking skills. To me I think these aspects encompass what I see as information literacy in the 21st century. It includes the elements of find, understand, apply and evaluate which includes ICT skills and higher order thinking. You cannot escape technology and the Internet in this present and future educational culture, so it has great presence in information literacy. High-order thinking is part of information literacy which includes student's ability to reflect on their own information literacy practices and their own learning. Searching, evaluating and synthesising skills, IT skills and critical thinking skills are what I think make up information literacy and what will make it successful for learners. 

I like the 8ws from as the process of information literacy. I thought it brought action, visual elements to it.

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