Saturday 19 November 2011

Assessment item 1 Social Networking

I think social networking is people getting together because of a common interest. That interest could be anything from politics, music, living in the same area or working in the same industry. An individual can have many different social networks, from family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours, clubs, and online sites. A lot of social networking happens online because of the changes in technologies and the creation of social networking sites such as Facebook. Social networking as expanded as people can now locate and befriend others who have similar interests on a global scale. Social networking technologies online that I use are email, OZTLnet, Facebook, Blogs, Shelfari, Delicious, Diigo, Yammer and LibraryThing. What I hope to learn from INF506 is how to adapt these technologies to a school library and Teacher Librarian teaching practices that will benefit student engagement, learning and information skills. I would like to find information communication technologies that will not just replace old teaching practices but will improve them dramatically. With the threat of libraries being seen as outdated I would like to keep the library and my teaching practices up-to-date and relevant to schools and students of the 21st century.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Back again

Ok back to giving a blog ago. This time for the subject INF506 Social networking for information professionals. It is something I am interested in as I am TL and web 2.0 tools are a huge thing in schools now. Be back later for my first official post for the subject.