Saturday 2 April 2011

Great PD I went to

ASLA March 2011

Moving forward: Digital citizenship and re-defining classroom.

Keynote speaker: Robyn Treyvaud

Robyn’s theme was ‘crossing the line’ with students and the digital culture. Robyn looks at the fact that the digital world is how gen y and gen z manage their lives. The only drawback is that the students fail to comprehend that the Internet forgets nothing, that every post, photo and status update about an individual is stored forever. They now have a digital reputation, whether good or bad. This of course can haunt them later in life.
Covert bullying online was another aspect Robyn looked at. There are no adults present. Students who are bullied at school will bully online. 
Also a huge issue is sexting, and the legal implications, as well as the drama for the girl (or boy) who took and send the photo when it gets around the school. 
Link to Robyn's TED lecture

Working at an all girls high school I found Robyn's topic really important. When I got back I sent an email, with all the info, off to the Pastoral Care leaders. I got a thanks from only one teacher. They probably think our girls don't get up to that stuff.

Keynote speaker: Andrew Douch 
Yeah web2 tools that work in a classroom. Great website is to get a list of all the Web2.0 tools available. How Andrew selects a web tool:
1. What will it do to my time, my student’s time and classroom time.
2. Will it let me go somewhere new and exciting
3. Don’t wait for the perfect tool – use what there is now that is cheap and you can use immediately
4. Will it get better results from my students
5. Go with what students are using – the “desire path”. Ask them.
The most interesting tool I took away from Andrew's lecture was using podcasts. Example putting whole lessons onto a podcast. You have to make it interesting. The students can listen as much as they want and use it for revision. Also found that once the students were using the podcasts the lesson at school could move on to practical lessons etc as they already had the knowledge base having listen to the podcast. 
Check out Douchy’s podcasts and website.

After Andrew's lecture and workshop I wanted to run back to school and start implementing these great web 2 tools and make other staff use them too. I passed on the info to others and the new Teacher IT liaison person, but who knows what they will do with it.